Tag Archive for mind

Building Healthy Sustainable Spaces


POWER LIVING® TV: Does your environment support your health? Tap into the latest thinking on health and sustainability as it relates to the built environment from the Clinton Global Initiative.

Open Your Mind


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Open your Mind – As the singer-songwriter Frank Zappa said: “A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.”

Optimize Your Brain Power


POWER LIVING® TV: Are there things we can do to enhance brain health? How can we maximize productivity? The brain is amazingly complex, yet there are simple things we can do to optimize its functioning. Learn more as Dr. Terri Kennedy interviews Dr. Michael Hutchinson, Associate Professor of Neurology at the New York University.

Practice Meditation


POWER LIVING® TIP: How would you like to change your brain to improve your life? Meditation has been found to “re-wire” the brain producing a host of benefits.

7 Ways to Renew Your Life Today

Woman in the park

INSPIRATION: Just like a loaf of bread that’s been left out too long, life can sometimes seem stale if we let routine take over. We get comfortable with what is and ignore what could be. Being present is important — it’s the foundation of Power Living and experiencing the special moments in life. However, actively claiming your future is key to growth. Balancing the two modes is the trick.

Today I Am Free


VIDEO MINI-ESCAPES: Tune your mind with one-minute Power Living® Mini-Escapes. This one is “Today I Am Free.” The video was shot in Montego Bay, Jamaica.