Moving Toward Wellness Kickoff

In Power Living® with Dr. Terri Kennedy, get wellness tips and experience the kickoff launch of “Wellness Week” in New York on September 16th, 2011. Dr. Kennedy offered a motivational charge to participants at the Harlem State Office Building Plaza to commit to a healthy lifestyle. The event was organized by the New York Academy of Medicine, in conjunction with the Harlem Chamber of Commerce, City College of New York, as well as the World Economic Forum and the Pan American Health Organization.

The event featured speeches by the Director of PAHO, the NYC Commissioner of Health, Harlem Chamber of Commerce, World Economic Forum, as well as local & state politicians such as Senator Bill Perkins and Congressman Charles Rangel. Additionally, the launch included a health fair, healthy activities, farmer’s market & healthy foods demonstrations.

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Posted by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA.
