Tag Archive for energy

Building Healthy Sustainable Spaces


POWER LIVING® TV: Does your environment support your health? Tap into the latest thinking on health and sustainability as it relates to the built environment from the Clinton Global Initiative.

Program your Productivity


POWER LIVING® TIP: How would you like to get more done in less time? Synch your work with your body’s circadian rhythms. There are peak times for various tasks.

7 Ways to Renew Your Life Today

Woman in the park

INSPIRATION: Just like a loaf of bread that’s been left out too long, life can sometimes seem stale if we let routine take over. We get comfortable with what is and ignore what could be. Being present is important — it’s the foundation of Power Living and experiencing the special moments in life. However, actively claiming your future is key to growth. Balancing the two modes is the trick.

Global Shapers Conference

Terri Kennedy teaching yoga in Central Park

THE BUZZ: On Saturday, September 15th, 2012, I participated in the Global Shapers Conference in New York. I spoke about the importance of personal energy management for leaders (a module we call “Protecting the Asset”) – a key pillar of the Power Living System. I then taught a yoga class in Central Park while some of the Shapers went running.

Seasonal Eating

Stir Fry Vegetables

PWR FOODS: From Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda to African and Native American traditions, seasonal eating has been a practice of many indigenous and ancient cultures.

Italian Leafy Green Salad

Italian Leafy Green Salad

PWR FOODS: Salads capture the essence of summer. Visit a farmer’s market or produce stand and toss up this Italian Leafy Green Salad. Test out the grapeseed oil. It’s packed with antioxidants and is high in vitamin E, C and beta-carotene. Try it out…

The Power of… THE UNIVERSE

The Vast Sky

THE UNIVERSE. Do you know who and what you are? Do you know your role in this Universe? How often do you think about the world in which you live? I’m not talking about politics or the economy. I’m talking about the power of the Universe – the vastness of the sky, the depths of the ocean, the richness of the earth, the diversity in Nature, and you as a sentient participant. Whenever I go to Washington, D.C., I hire Mohammed

Working Green


Q&A: I own a small business and I’m trying to be environmentally-responsible. Where should I start without breaking the bank?