YES. How many times have you said “no” to something you really wanted to do? Does indecision or fear hold you back? What could you experience if you simply said “yes”? An old boyfriend used to accuse me of “thinking too much.”
Tag Archive for energy
The Power of… NO!
NO. Have you ever agreed to do something you really didn’t want or have time to do? Have you ever said “No” to something that seemed like an opportunity to other people, but just didn’t “feel” right for you? How do you respond when you are told “No”? There’s a funny thing about this simple two-letter word. It is a word we’ve all used and we’ve all heard before. When it’s said to you, you may not like it very much; when you say it, it can be quite liberating. Sometimes the word is open for interpretation; other times, it is absolute. For example, when making a sales call, “No” may very well mean, “Not right now.” However, when asking for a romantic date, “No” most likely means “NO!”
Out of Work
CONSCIOUSNESS. What is your mental atmosphere? Are your internal dreams reflected in your external reality? Do you wonder why some people always seem to attract good and others are a magnet for misfortune? The difference is probably their mental atmosphere. If your mind is consistently focused on abundance then you’re going to see the opportunities around you.
Healthy Detox
Heart Smart
Q&A: My blood pressure is high and, because I have a family history of heart disease, my doctor said I may have to go on medication. He recommended getting my stress levels under control, as well as losing about 10 pounds. I frankly don’t know where to start. I’ve never been successful with diets and I have a lot of pressures on my new job. Can you share a basic game plan? I’m only 41 and I really don’t want to go on meditation!
The Power of… GIVING
Clean & Green
Work Smart
Q&A: I have a small financial advisory firm based in New York City and I just bought a house in Philadelphia to lower my cost structure. I have decided to keep my New York office… commute in three days a week and work from my new home two days. How can I manage my schedule so I still grow the business, have a social life (I am single) and not burn out!
Newly Married
Q&A: I am 34 years old and pretty much have accomplished all of my academic goals. However, I am learning that since I got married – it’s been a little over a year – I am really unable to focus on anything. My eating and my exercising have all taken a hit because I haven’t been able to focus. As a result, I’ve gained 15 pounds due to consistent binging. Even my reading is taking a serious hit. I can’t finish any book I start before I see another one that I’d much rather read. Could you please share some things to help get me back on the right track?