Day 2: Live on Purpose

Welcome to Day 2 of 40 Days to Power Living! Today, as we go through this week of taking stock, we’re asking the question: Are you living a purposeful and authentic life? It relates to Power Living Principle #1: Live on Purpose.

What does living on Purpose mean to you? How much time do invest in understanding why you’re here on this earth? We are often so busy doing, we forget how to be. Take this time to go within – to determine your bigger Plan.

If you haven’t already started it, today make the commitment to cultivating a reflective practice – 5 minutes in the morning to reflect and 5 minutes in the evening to review. I guarantee that this will be one of the most important habits you will ever develop. This is an investment in your Self… a way to develop a strong relationship with your Core. Put in the quiet time and you will receive the answers. Your heart knows what it wants and why you’re here – you simply have to stop long enough to truly listen.

Also, remember to keep up with the Lifestyle Log starting on page 27 in the book. We’re building that self-awareness muscle.

As Lao-tzu said:

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.

With Purpose & Power,

