Tag Archive for 40 Days

Day 13: Assess your Gifts

Welcome to Day 13 of our 40 Days to Power Living. Now we get into the real work… and it can be quite fun! Take your time during this section of the book. Think about the Reality Check questions on page 85. If your passions and natural strengths don’t come to you right away, spend…

Day 12: Make Sleep Sacred

I receive many of my inspirations in my dreams at night. It is precious time. As Daniel W. Josselyn said: Rest is not a matter of doing absolutely nothing. Rest is repair. Tonight, set the stage for sleep. Check out the tips on page 77 of the book. If you’re trying to solve a problem,…

Day 11: Breathe…

As Swami Rama said: Controlling the breath, is a prerequisite to controlling the mind and body. What is your breath telling you right now? Is your breath shallow and rapid, or slow and deep? You can use your breath as a signal to spot anxiety. It helps you develop self-awareness. I talk a lot about…

Day 10: Exercise to Energize

It is Day 10 of our 40 Days to Power Living. How are you doing with your PWR Moves? What are you doing for cardio? Remember, you don’t have to go to the gym. Check out the list of activities on page 70 of the book. Choose an exercise for your personality. Make sure to…

Day 9: Practice Moderation

Peter De Vries said: Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign that something is eating us. Isn’t that true! How much of you eating is emotional? You know… you go to the refrigerator even when you’re not actually hungry. You might simply be bored or lonely. Try something today… slow down as you eat. Practice…

Day 8: Power Up Your Meal!

Happy Valentine’s Day!! Did you hug yourself today? If not, wrap those arms around your Self right now… There is a lot of information in this chapter on food combining so don’t worry if it takes a second read! Instead, try out the sample meal plan on page 64 of the book. The best way…

Day 7: Eat to Live

So how was your first week? Do you understand the overview of the Five Principles in the book? How did you do with the Lifestyle Log? What about the PWR Moves? Don’t worry if you didn’t get to everything. The key is to begin to be more aware about your own habits. Now that we’re…

Day 6: Sanctify your Surroundings

Simplicity is not about deprivation or income level. It’s about living deliberately and making specific choices. That is the essence of Power Living Principle #5: Sanctify your Surroundings. As Hans Hofmann said: The ability to simplify means eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. Do the Reality Check in the book and then…

Day 5: Be a Humble Warrior

Transformation takes time. This speaks to the importance of Power Living Principle #4: Be a Humble Warrior. One way to sustain your energy along the way is to cultivate your inner strength muscles – joy, faith, love. As you go through the Reality Check on page 46 of the book, ask yourself: Do I experience…

Day 4: Honor your Body

This is the big one: Power Living Principle #3: Honor your Body. As human beings having a spiritual experience, it is crucial for us to honor this temple that houses our souls. Yet, the temple is often neglected and left in ruins. As Emerson said: The first wealth is health. Today, be sure to fill…