Day 7: Eat to Live

So how was your first week? Do you understand the overview of the Five Principles in the book? How did you do with the Lifestyle Log? What about the PWR Moves? Don’t worry if you didn’t get to everything. The key is to begin to be more aware about your own habits.

Now that we’re in Week 2, we’re focused on maximizing your physical energy. Continue to make water your drink of choice. Breathe deeply. If you need help, check out the Power Living: Mini-Escapes relaxation CD. Begin to move a little more.

Take a moment to review the PWR Foods on page 58. Notice that there really are a lot of healthy options to fuel you. Take a look at your current diet and see what you can add to your plate. As you add more good-for-you food, you’ll crowd out the not so good food. That’s our strategy – observation and moderation, instead of deprivation. Today, see how you can Eat to Live!

With Purpose & Power,

