Tag Archive for consistent

Fix Your Gaze


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Fix Your Gaze – As the iconic Bruce Lee said, “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”

For changes to be of any true value, they’ve got to be lasting and consistent.
- Tony Robbins

Efficient Exercise

Woman Exercising

Q&A: I have 20 pounds to lose and I have not exercised for a long time. What is the best way to start? RESPONSE: First, congratulations on wanting to take control of your health!

The Power of… CHOICE


CHOICE. How are you choosing to live? Do you realize all of the choices you make every week, every day, every second? Do you ever truly think about the consequences? When I was four years old my mom gave me The Little Me and THE GREAT ME, by Lou Austin which laid the groundwork for my spiritual development. With a bright yellow cover and joyful illustrations, this simple book explains that there are two wills in every person: one – the will of the human self (the Little Me), the other – the will of the divine self (THE GREAT ME). Between these two forces there is a continuous running battle.