Work Smart

Practical advice for creating a productive and successful life.

Optimize Your Brain Power


POWER LIVING® TV: Are there things we can do to enhance brain health? How can we maximize productivity? The brain is amazingly complex, yet there are simple things we can do to optimize its functioning. Learn more as Dr. Terri Kennedy interviews Dr. Michael Hutchinson, Associate Professor of Neurology at the New York University.

Watch your Tone


POWER LIVING® TIP: Want to be seen as confident and trusted? Watch your tone. There are various strategies to put your best voice forward.

* Moderate your pace
* Be relaxed and breathe
* Smile through in your voice
* Use a strong yet soft volume
* Tailor your style for the occasion
* Vary your pitch to emphasize points
* Put notes aside and speak from the heart

Beware of sounding angry, condescending, frustrated, impatient, defensive, moody or disrespectful. In order to improve, record yourself speaking – better yet, use video so you can see your facial expressions.

Extra Tip: Read email out loud before you hit send to check the tone and hear how the words sound.

Program your Productivity


POWER LIVING® TIP: How would you like to get more done in less time? Synch your work with your body’s circadian rhythms. There are peak times for various tasks.

7 Steps to Making & Keeping Resolutions


Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution only to break it within weeks? It’s been said that about 40 to 45 percent of American adults set at least one resolution. However, by February the majority of us have given up. Is it a useless tradition? Historian Bill Petro says we can thank Roman statesman Julius Caesar for starting New Year’s resolutions on January 1st. Unfortunately, January 1st is not the best day to make resolutions if you want them to stick…

Power Advice from WIE Symposium

WIE Symposium 2012

POWER LIVING® TV: Can women really have it all? Can we ever truly achieve balance? What’s the value of focus? In this edition of Power Living® with Dr. Terri Kennedy, get inspired by power advice from four of the dynamic speakers at the 2012 WIE Symposium. Highlighted speakers include serial entrepreneur Amilya Antonetti, J Brand Jeans Co-Founder Susie Crippen, award-winning journalist Kimberly Weisul, and beauty & style expert Mary Ann Stephenson.

Elena Brower on “The Art of Attention”

Elena Brower

POWER LIVING TV: In Power Living® with Dr. Terri Kennedy, join the Conversation with Elena Brower on “The Art of Attention.” Elena is founder and co-owner of Virayoga. She offers a realistic and reverent approach to the world through her teaching and writing. She has offered large-scale experiences of yoga, but her true service is in shifting awareness within the smallest interactions—one family, one household at a time.

Do Something with Nancy Lublin

Do Something

POWER LIVING TV: In Power Living® with Dr. Terri Kennedy, get advice on doing more with less, balancing work/life and becoming a change agent with Nancy Lublin, CEO of and Founder of Dress for Success.