Work Smart

Practical advice for creating a productive and successful life.


Set a Date

Q&A: This year flew by. I started a business and feel that my energy was somewhat scattered doing a lot of busywork. I didn’t make the revenue I wanted. My personal life is also in shambles. I’m gained some weight. I work around the clock and have no time to spend with my girlfriend. She will be my ex if I don’t shape up – physically and timewise! How can I make resolutions for my entire life that will really stick?

The Power of… NO!

Transform your Life

NO. Have you ever agreed to do something you really didn’t want or have time to do? Have you ever said “No” to something that seemed like an opportunity to other people, but just didn’t “feel” right for you? How do you respond when you are told “No”? There’s a funny thing about this simple two-letter word. It is a word we’ve all used and we’ve all heard before. When it’s said to you, you may not like it very much; when you say it, it can be quite liberating. Sometimes the word is open for interpretation; other times, it is absolute. For example, when making a sales call, “No” may very well mean, “Not right now.” However, when asking for a romantic date, “No” most likely means “NO!”

Out of Work

Making a Living

Q&A: I’ve just lost my job. I’ve NEVER been unemployed since I started working over 30 years ago. I am in a panic and don’t know what to do. I feel like a failure. Please help!!

Your Own Biz


Q&A: I have finally decided that I must leave the corporate world to pursue my dream of having my own business. Currently, I am a marketing executive for a large media company. I’ve done well, but my heart is not in it anymore. My passion has always been baking. I want to start a line of healthy snacks. I have been cooking on the side, and everyone always enjoys what I make. I just don’t know how to make the transition. Where should I start?


Attention to Detail

SPECIFICITY. Are you aware of the content of your thoughts? Are you speaking abundance or lack? Do your actions reflect deliberate choices or unconscious rote behavior? My sister and I both…

Focus & Flow

Focus & Flow

PWR TIP: Work is not laborious if you’re in the flow. It goes back to self-awareness and self-control. Here are some ways to maintain clarity and boost productivity: Stay in synch. Understand your body’s circadian rhythm so you can schedule prime mental work time during peak “think” time. For many people, this is 6am –…

The Power of… PRACTICE


PRACTICE. What is your daily practice? Are you practicing peace or anxiety? Are you practicing how to succeed or simply survive? Are you putting into practice what you already know?

Money Matters

Money Matters

Q&A: They say the economy is coming out of recession but it still feels like a depression! I’m getting concerned about my finances. I’ve not been very focused on managing money but now I’m feeling the pinch of higher prices all around. My salary hasn’t gone up… so what should I do?!?

Work Smart

New Home

Q&A: I have a small financial advisory firm based in New York City and I just bought a house in Philadelphia to lower my cost structure. I have decided to keep my New York office… commute in three days a week and work from my new home two days. How can I manage my schedule so I still grow the business, have a social life (I am single) and not burn out!

The Power of… ACTION

Taking Action

ACTION. What do you need to accomplish today? Is something holding you back from living fully? What step can you take right now to bring you closer to your life vision? Many of us live in our heads. We create stories of what we will do and re-live the emotions of what we’ve done – for good or bad. This prevents us from being fully Present in the moment.