Health Tips

Tips for healthy living.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Q&A: Any suggestions for someone who has been challenged with their weight for a large portion of their life? I have tried exercising for the last twenty years of my life, but somehow I am still challenged.

Cutting Cholesterol

Ripe Tomatoes

Q&A: My doctor just told me that my cholesterol is high. Now that I’m in my 40s, I’m trying to pay more attention to my health – especially since my father had a stroke when he was in his 50s. I rather not rely on medicine the rest of my life. What can I do to get my cholesterol down?

Healthy Detox


Q&A: A friend has been talking about doing a fast and I may do one as well. How do I get started? How do I choose what kind to do? What do you recommend?

Heart Smart

Fruits & Veggies

Q&A: My blood pressure is high and, because I have a family history of heart disease, my doctor said I may have to go on medication. He recommended getting my stress levels under control, as well as losing about 10 pounds. I frankly don’t know where to start. I’ve never been successful with diets and I have a lot of pressures on my new job. Can you share a basic game plan? I’m only 41 and I really don’t want to go on meditation!

Health & Wealth

Cooking at Home

PWR TIP: Do you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise? Minimize your risk for disease as you maximize what’s in your wallet with these money-saving tips.

Healthy Jumpstart

Healthy Jumpstart

Q&A: Starting this New Year, I’ve recommitted myself to my health. I work out 4 times a week (which includes cardio, weights and yoga). I don’t eat beef or pork but love chicken, fish and tofu. I’m looking to create a simple eating plan that will allow for enough protein and carbs to keep me going. What do you recommend?