Believe You Can

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As President Theodore Roosevelt said, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

How much do you believe in yourself? Belief is a choice. Particularly when related to self, it is a state of mind that can support your success or sabotage your every move. Anything new – such as starting a new job, learning a new skill or even initiating a new relationship – can seem daunting. Many dreams are left on the drawing board because of fear and unbelief. Instead, train your mind to believe you can. When you choose to believe in your gifts and heart’s desires, it is a declaration of faith – a knowing that you are here on this Earth for a reason. Believing in your potential and purpose is one of the most powerful statements to the Universe. It demonstrates a trusting in your own abilities backed by a Higher Good. This is the time to choose confidence over doubt. Believe you can and you will.

Until next time, remember – it’s your divine life, live it to the fullest. The power is in your hands!

With Purpose & Power,


Written and designed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy. Read more Dose of Power Living. For information on syndication email

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