IMPRESSIONS: I was walking down this path and it reminded me of the path of life. Life is about change and growth. There will always be rocks on the road – some bigger than others. Instead of being obstacles, they may actually be stepping stones. Although we may not see the path, there is one. We simply have to look a little closer, be patient, and understand that change happens step by step.
Tag Archive for reflection
An Ordinary Day
Watch the Gap
IMPRESSIONS: Every time I get on the Long Island Railroad I see this sign: “WATCH THE GAP.” It’s there to help us avoid falling down to the tracks and getting injured. It reminds me of that gap many of us live in – the gap between who we are in our current circumstances and who we want to be. So, every time you see this sign – on the platform for the subway, Amtrak or the commuter rail – remember to WATCH THE GAP. Pay attention to your own life so your dreams don’t fall through the cracks.
The Power of… QUESTIONS
QUESTIONS. How curious are you? Do you take things at face value? Do you ever avoid asking questions because you think you’ll sound naive? Are you willing to ask the tough and unpopular questions? If you’ve spent time around a young child then at some point you’ve probably experienced a seemingly endless stream of questions, such as “Why is the sky blue?”, “Why does a dog have a tail?”, “What makes the grass grow?”, “Where do babies come from?”
The Power of… FREEDOM
FREEDOM. How free are you? Is your freedom dependent on someone else? What are your divine rights? When I was in China in 2006 I was struck by the display of prosperity in places like Shanghai, with its large LED screens touting the latest fashions and movies. It was like New York’s Times Square on steroids.