Tag Archive for efficient

Building Healthy Sustainable Spaces


POWER LIVING® TV: Does your environment support your health? Tap into the latest thinking on health and sustainability as it relates to the built environment from the Clinton Global Initiative.

Working Green


Q&A: I own a small business and I’m trying to be environmentally-responsible. Where should I start without breaking the bank?

Efficient Exercise

Woman Exercising

Q&A: I have 20 pounds to lose and I have not exercised for a long time. What is the best way to start? RESPONSE: First, congratulations on wanting to take control of your health!

Work Smart

New Home

Q&A: I have a small financial advisory firm based in New York City and I just bought a house in Philadelphia to lower my cost structure. I have decided to keep my New York office… commute in three days a week and work from my new home two days. How can I manage my schedule so I still grow the business, have a social life (I am single) and not burn out!