Tag Archive for Bible Verses

Invite Joy In


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Invite Joy In – Psalm 30:5 says: “Weeping may endure the night but joy comes in the morning.”

Unless we form the habit of going to the Bible in bright moments as well as in trouble, we cannot fully respond to its consolations because we lack equilibrium between light and darkness.
- Helen Keller

The Lord Is My Shepherd


BOOK: The Lord Is My Shepherd: Healing Wisdom of the Twenty-third Psalm, by Harold S. Kushner. The Twenty-third Psalm is perhaps the most memorized chapter of the Bible.

A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles

BOOK: A Course in Miracles, by Foundation for Inner Peace – “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” That is how A Course in Miracles begins. Although it is based on a Christian interpretation of the Bible, the Course deals with universal spiritual themes such as compassion.

Even Pigeons Can Dream

Even Pigeons Can Fly

IMPRESSIONS: I took this picture while walking down the street in Manhattan – a pigeon sitting on top of the head of an eagle. Eagles are often used as examples of strength. They have large powerful builds and keen vision. They are able to fly higher than any other bird, and even soar without actually flapping their wings. Eagles are bold and tenacious flying into storms using the wind to lift them to greater heights. Eagles never eat dead meat. They hunt for and kill their own food. They tend to fly alone and live on higher ground. They are majestic, with an air of royalty. Pigeons, on the other hand, are often called “flying rats”…

The Power of… THE UNIVERSE

The Vast Sky

THE UNIVERSE. Do you know who and what you are? Do you know your role in this Universe? How often do you think about the world in which you live? I’m not talking about politics or the economy. I’m talking about the power of the Universe – the vastness of the sky, the depths of the ocean, the richness of the earth, the diversity in Nature, and you as a sentient participant. Whenever I go to Washington, D.C., I hire Mohammed


Perseverence Wins

PERSEVERANCE. Are you a “finisher”? How do you remain focused and not let criticism and obstacles shut you down? After the devastating loss to Bobby Rush in his bid for Congress in 2000, Barack Obama could have given up his dream to break into national politics. The defeat weighed heavy on his ego…


Attention to Detail

SPECIFICITY. Are you aware of the content of your thoughts? Are you speaking abundance or lack? Do your actions reflect deliberate choices or unconscious rote behavior? My sister and I both…

The Power of… KINDNESS

Acts of Kindness

KINDNESS. Is your outlook one of compassion or indifference? How often do you perform intentional acts of kindness? Are you a considerate person? Do you show love every day to those who love you? With the calamities of recent times, we have witnessed ordinary people perform extraordinary acts of heroism.