Tag Archive for authentic

True North


BOOK: True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership, by Bill George – This book brings the principles of self-development – what we teach at Power Living – to the business world.

Your Masterpiece

Original Painting by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy

IMPRESSIONS: I saw this painting hanging in the living room of my family home. In college, I used to sit by the lake and study and dream and paint. I was an Art and Sociology double major. My eyes love beauty and see it all around – the colors, the light, the expressions of life.
Although I have not picked up a paint brush in a long time, I am still an artist. Now, my canvas is life. My paints are words of motivation. I see the light in you. How would you like to paint your masterpiece?



PARTNERSHIP. Are you a loner or a connector? What type of genuine partnerships have you formed in your life? I was a tom-boy athlete growing up. I ran track, swam and did gymnastics competitively and was successful at winning many medals. Although I was technically on a “team”, I realize now that in all of those sports the final result was really determined by my individual performance. Except for in a relay race, I wasn’t really dependent on the other members like with sports such as football or basketball.

Out of Work

Making a Living

Q&A: I’ve just lost my job. I’ve NEVER been unemployed since I started working over 30 years ago. I am in a panic and don’t know what to do. I feel like a failure. Please help!!


Attention to Detail

SPECIFICITY. Are you aware of the content of your thoughts? Are you speaking abundance or lack? Do your actions reflect deliberate choices or unconscious rote behavior? My sister and I both…

The Power of… LETTING GO

Letting Go

LETTING GO. Do you get upset when things don’t turn out the way you expected? Is your mind cluttered with regrets and resentments? What are you holding on to that is holding you back? When you live in the Present, and let go of what you think should be, you invite in a greater sense of inner peace and divine inspiration…

Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty

Q&A: I notice you have been doing a lot of beauty-related events lately. Do you have any natural beauty tips you can share?

The Power of…THE X FACTOR


THE X FACTOR. What sets you apart from others? What do you add to the world that is outstanding or just different? Does your business have a unique competitive advantage? What is your X Factor? Think about this scenario: two entrepreneurs have similar backgrounds, pretty much identical business proposals, and exposure to the same professional network and one of them secures funding and becomes a success while the other struggles. One seems to attract “luck” while the other doesn’t.

Day 2: Live on Purpose

Welcome to Day 2 of 40 Days to Power Living! Today, as we go through this week of taking stock, we’re asking the question: Are you living a purposeful and authentic life? It relates to Power Living Principle #1: Live on Purpose. What does living on Purpose mean to you? How much time do invest…