Tag Archive for abundance

New Year’s Affirmation


POSTCARD: “This day marks a new year… may you be newly awakened to it.
May your eyes be open to the wonders around you.
May your ears hear your inner guru.
May your mind see unlimited possibilities
and create new realities.

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!

We’re here!! Are you ready?

No matter what the scale currently says, this is the year for health. No matter what the balance in your savings account is right now, this is the year for abundance. If you rang in the New Year alone and have been longing for a mate, this is the year for loving relationships.


Open Sky

CONSCIOUSNESS. What is your mental atmosphere? Are your internal dreams reflected in your external reality? Do you wonder why some people always seem to attract good and others are a magnet for misfortune? The difference is probably their mental atmosphere. If your mind is consistently focused on abundance then you’re going to see the opportunities around you.

The Power of… GIVING

Never Too Young for Giving

GIVING. How generous are you? Do you give freely or are there usually strings attached? At a time when your bank account may be lower than last year and the stresses may be higher, it is even more important to understand the power of giving.

The Power of… GRATITUDE

Just Say Thank You

GRATITUDE. Do you actively appreciate what you have? Do you focus on misfortunes or blessings? What do you hold on to when times are tough? The constant flow of negative media headlines makes me pause and reflect. I end up feeling a sense of profound gratitude. It prompts me to look at my own life and count my blessings.