Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

We’re here!! Are you ready?

No matter what the scale currently says, this is the year for health. No matter what the balance in your savings account is right now, this is the year for abundance. If you rang in the New Year alone and have been longing for a mate, this is the year for loving relationships.

Your task is to choose what you want to manifest in your life, create a clear vision of it, and then believe it is so. It sounds easy enough right?

Many people get caught up in the fact that life is about choice. If you choose destructive behavior, you are likely to experience suffering. If you choose loving behavior, you are likely to experience joy. This is the essence of empowerment – the recognition that you have choices, the courage to consciously make them, and the conviction to accept, enjoy and learn from the consequences. Learn more in The Power of… CHOICE.

Right now, choose how you want this year to flow. Make S.M.A.R.T. goals. Take time to cultivate your vision. Decide on a personal mantra to ward away unbelief. The one I often use is:

God in me, acting through me, is my guarantee of success!!

That means that my main job is to remove the blocks and I will experience divine flow.

What’s blocking you from achieving your dreams? Spend time on that question as well. Move into this new year with Eyes Wide Open. This is the only way to make true change. If you’re getting stuck, read about the Five “R’s” of Making & Keeping Resolutions.

This year, commit to tuning your mind and you will manifest wonders in your life. To get you started, I’ll leave you with my toast for the New Year (with sparkling apple cider, of course!):

This day marks a new year, may you be newly awakened to it.
May your eyes be open to the wonders around you.
May your ears hear your inner guru.
May your mind see unlimited possibilities
and create new realities.
May your heart be ready to love all,
especially your Self.
Today go forth in confidence,
knowing that all your needs are met,
all your dreams are manifest
if you just believe.

With Purpose & Power,


Contributed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA. Part of the Power Living® Empowerment Series.

ADD YOUR VOICE: What is your vision for the New Year? Share it by writing a comment here.
