Power Living TV

“Power Living with Dr. Terri Kennedy” is an online video series offering information, interviews and inspiration to transform yourself and the world around you.

Yoga Master Tao Porchon-Lynch: Sizzles at Every Age!


INSPIRATION: 96-year-old Tao Porchon-Lynch has set the world on fire and has been covered by media around the globe from CNN, NBC and CBS to BBC, AlJazeera and India Times. Her YouTube videos have garnered almost 1 million views and counting! Since she started dancing competitively at the age of 87, she has won almost 675 first-place awards. On top of that, she marched with Mahatma Gandhi – twice. Master Yoga Teacher, former model/actress/producer, award-winning dancer, lifelong activist and wine connoisseur… be inspired by her words, her presence and her footwork.

If you don’t know about her already (and even if you do), watch Tao sizzle at every age!

Women & Power

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POWER LIVING® TV: What do you get when you put the words women and power together? Get perspectives from around the world in this interview with the Omega Global Change Scholars and the Old Stone Farm in New York.

Women as Peacemakers

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POWER LIVING® TV: Are women the missing building block in the defense superstructure? This is the thinking behind the world’s first female counter terrorism platform called SAVE – Sisters Against Violent Extremism.

Slovenia: Sustainability in Action


POWER LIVING® TV: How do you rate yourself on the sustainability scale? Could you live off the land and in a primarily self-sustainable manner? In this edition of Power Living® with Terri Kennedy, come on a journey to Slovenia in Eastern Europe including a visit to a completely sustainable home and biodynamic farm. Be inspired to travel the globe and experience the richness of life.

Building Healthy Sustainable Spaces


POWER LIVING® TV: Does your environment support your health? Tap into the latest thinking on health and sustainability as it relates to the built environment from the Clinton Global Initiative.

The Rebirth of Myanmar


POWER LIVING® TV: Come on a journey to the Golden Land of Myanmar – formerly known as Burma. After 50 years of military rule, the country is now open for business and is actively courting foreign tourists, trade and investments.

Optimize Your Brain Power


POWER LIVING® TV: Are there things we can do to enhance brain health? How can we maximize productivity? The brain is amazingly complex, yet there are simple things we can do to optimize its functioning. Learn more as Dr. Terri Kennedy interviews Dr. Michael Hutchinson, Associate Professor of Neurology at the New York University.