Sing Your Song

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A Swedish Proverb says: “Those who wish to sing, always find a song.”

What are you called to do? A calling is a soulful pull toward a certain path. It may not make logical sense at first but the desire is so strong that it causes you to pause… and then it draws you forward like an unseen force. It is your WHO which then drives your WHAT and your HOW. When you honor it, it’s like a sweet melody that soothes your spirit. When you ignore it, it’s like your life is out of tune. So, sing your song. Go for what’s in your heart. Even though everyone else may seem to going a more classical route, find notes that resonate with you. Like the white space in a jazz score invites you to improvise, express your unique voice. Now is the time to take center stage.

Until next time, remember – it’s your divine life, live it to the fullest. The power is in your hands!

With Purpose & Power,


Written and designed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy. Read more Dose of Power Living. For information on syndication email

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