Tag Archive for simplicity

Clear away the unnecessary things and thoughts to create space for new possibilities.
- Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy
For more, read The Power of… ZERO

Free yourself of expectations and attachments, and open up to life.
- Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy
For more, read The Power of… ZERO

Find space in your daily activity to breathe. Remember that there is strength in non-action.
- Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy
For more, read The Power of… ZERO

Next time you confront an empty space, be Present with it versus trying to fill the void. See how non-being can benefit your being.
- Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy
For more, read The Power of… ZERO

As a consumption-based society, we are used to acquiring external things versus inquiring within. We are not very comfortable with the unknown.
- Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy
For more, read The Power of… ZERO

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does nature because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Me is a common sense man. That mean when me explain things, me explain it in a very simple way; that mean if I explain it to a baby, the baby will understand too, you know.
- Bob Marley

The Power of… JOY


JOY. What makes your spirit smile? Are you experiencing at least one instance of pure joy every day? Do you regularly share acts of kindness? It’s been said that pleasure is in the body, happiness is in the mind, and joy is in the heart. Both pleasure and happiness are fleeting. Joy, on the other hand, is a fruit of the Spirit – a deep-in-the-soul feeling.

The Power of…

Passion for Writing

Welcome to “The Power of…” column – part of the Power Living® Empowerment Series. Since it’s inception in April 2003, Dr. Terri Kennedy has written over 70 editions.