Tag Archive for Kahlil Gibran

The Prophet

The Prophet

BOOK: The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran – Originally published in 1923, The Prophet is a beautiful treatise on life. Gibran’s words are profound and divine, revealing him to be the true prophet! His thoughts on love are probably the most quoted for wedding vows.

The Power of… THE UNIVERSE

The Vast Sky

THE UNIVERSE. Do you know who and what you are? Do you know your role in this Universe? How often do you think about the world in which you live? I’m not talking about politics or the economy. I’m talking about the power of the Universe – the vastness of the sky, the depths of the ocean, the richness of the earth, the diversity in Nature, and you as a sentient participant. Whenever I go to Washington, D.C., I hire Mohammed

The Power of… JOY


JOY. What makes your spirit smile? Are you experiencing at least one instance of pure joy every day? Do you regularly share acts of kindness? It’s been said that pleasure is in the body, happiness is in the mind, and joy is in the heart. Both pleasure and happiness are fleeting. Joy, on the other hand, is a fruit of the Spirit – a deep-in-the-soul feeling.