Tag Archive for India

Tao Porchon-Lynch Turns 101!

Yoga Master Tao Porchon-Lynch in Sedona - 2018

August 14, 2019 – Historical icon, yoga master and award-winning author Tao Porchon-Lynch turned 101 on August 13, 2019 and as usual birthday calls and notes came in from around the world. Most notable was a surprise message from Emmy and Golden Globe-winning actress and icon Angie Dickinson wishing Tao “a very Happy 101st Birthday.” Angie’s most popular work included Rio Grande, Big Bad Mama, Police Woman and Dressed To Kill. At 87 years old, Angie remains an inspiration so it was a delight to get well wishes from her for Tao. It underscores the Law of Attraction: good energy attracts good energy!

Afternoon with a Swami & a Yoga Master

Shwaasaguru Sri Vachananand Swamiji, 97-year-old yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch and Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy in New York - July 14, 2016

July 14, 2016–97-year-old yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch and I spent the afternoon with Shwaasaguru Sri Vachananand Swamiji from Bangalore. He is a yogic science expert and philosopher best known for his mass yoga camps, TV shows in India and teaching of Shwaasa yoga. He was sent to his Master Sri Marulashankara Shivayogi at age 8 and has been dedicated to the yogic lifestyle since. Tao presented Shwaasaguru with her Dancing Light book. He presented her with an Ishta-linga – a grey slate stone to aid in a specific meditation technique. It is a key aspect of Shiva-yoga. He also informed Tao that she will be honored in the 2017 Yoga Ratna Awards in Bangalore next year.

Upcoming UN Event…


The United Nations is planning a host of events for 2016 International Yoga Day. On Monday, June 20, 2016, the special event will feature a Conversation with Yoga Masters entitled “Yoga for the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.” The program will be from 3-5pm in the ECOSOC Chamber at UN Headquarters in New York. After a short film on International Day of Yoga, there will be welcome remarks from Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin, Permanent Representative of India to the UN. Then, mind-body-spirit expert Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy will moderate a discussion with 97-year-old yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch, and Max Kennedy will then moderate a discussion with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. The event can be watched live at http://webtv.un.org.

Dancing Light Wins 2016 IPPY Award!!!


New York, NY, April 13, 2016 – 97-year-old yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch can add another accolade to her name, “award-winning author,” demonstrating once again that it is never too late to realize your dreams. Her book, Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master, tied for a Silver Medal in the Autobiography/Memoir II (Coming of Age/Family Legacy/Travel) National Category for the 2016 Independent Publisher Book Awards.

Women Empowering Women at the UN


THE BUZZ: On Monday, September 22nd, 2014, I attended the Women Empowering Women Luncheon and Fashion Show at the United Nations. It was the first fashion show of its kind at the UN.

Today I Glide Through Life

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VIDEO MINI-ESCAPES: Tune your mind with one-minute Power Living® Mini-Escapes. This one is “Today I Glide Through Life.” The video was shot in Kerala, India.

Women & Power

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POWER LIVING® TV: What do you get when you put the words women and power together? Get perspectives from around the world in this interview with the Omega Global Change Scholars and the Old Stone Farm in New York.

Women as Peacemakers

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POWER LIVING® TV: Are women the missing building block in the defense superstructure? This is the thinking behind the world’s first female counter terrorism platform called SAVE – Sisters Against Violent Extremism.

YGL Summit in Myanmar

Young Global Leader Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy at World Economic Forum on East Asia in Myanmar

THE BUZZ: From June 2nd through June 7th, 2013, I was in Myanmar for the Young Global Leader (YGL) Summit and World Economic Forum on East Asia. Over 1000 people from 55 countries descended on the new capital of Nay Pyi Taw to discuss Myanmar’s future.

Birthday Lunch with Tao


THE BUZZ: Thursday, May 16th, 2013 was my birthday. I won’t say exactly how old I turned but I will say that I’m happy to see another year! I spent the day with one of my favorite people, Tao Porchon-Lynch.