Tag Archive for empowerment

Female Superpowers

Female Superpowers Speaking Program

Join Harvard Business School-trained success coach Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy for “Female Superpowers: Own Your Gifts, Share Your Voice.” The program is designed to increase self-awareness, boost confidence, improve communication skills and help women show up more fully at work and in life.

Make That Change

Michael Jackson Quote Card

A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Make That Change – As superstar Michael Jackson said: “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change.”

Command Respect


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Command Respect – As Aretha Franklin said: “We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It’s our basic human right.”

Embrace Failure


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Embrace Failure – As Thomas J. Watson Sr. said: “If you want to succeed, double your failure rate.”

Spread Happiness

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A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Spread Happiness – It’s been said, “Happiness is like jam. You can’t spread even a little without getting some on yourself.”

Hold Fast To Your Dreams


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Hold Fast To Your Dreams – As poet Langston Hughes said, “Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is like a broken winged bird that cannot fly.”

Use Words, Not Weapons


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Use Words, Not Weapons – As President Bill Clinton said, “We must teach our children to resolve their conflicts with words, not weapons.”