Tag Archive for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I am not interested in power for power’s sake, but I’m interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that’s pretty important.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values – that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.