Tag Archive for core values



PERSPECTIVE. What type of lenses are you looking through? Do you generally see problems or possibilities? Just as a photographer uses various lenses to show “reality” in different ways, we each have a set of filters – experience, culture, economic status, mental and physical health, etc. — through which we see the world. If life constantly looks dismal to you, it could be your perspective. Your viewpoint shapes your thoughts, decisions, actions – and ultimately, your feeling of success. For example, have you ever wondered why people in some of the poorest parts of the world seem happier than those in the wealthiest nations? It’s probably because…

The Power of… FREEDOM

Freedom to Fly

FREEDOM. How free are you? Is your freedom dependent on someone else? What are your divine rights? When I was in China in 2006 I was struck by the display of prosperity in places like Shanghai, with its large LED screens touting the latest fashions and movies. It was like New York’s Times Square on steroids.

The Power of… ACTION

Taking Action

ACTION. What do you need to accomplish today? Is something holding you back from living fully? What step can you take right now to bring you closer to your life vision? Many of us live in our heads. We create stories of what we will do and re-live the emotions of what we’ve done – for good or bad. This prevents us from being fully Present in the moment.