Tag Archive for coach

The Power of… LETTING GO

Letting Go

LETTING GO. Do you get upset when things don’t turn out the way you expected? Is your mind cluttered with regrets and resentments? What are you holding on to that is holding you back? When you live in the Present, and let go of what you think should be, you invite in a greater sense of inner peace and divine inspiration…

The Power of… FREEDOM

Freedom to Fly

FREEDOM. How free are you? Is your freedom dependent on someone else? What are your divine rights? When I was in China in 2006 I was struck by the display of prosperity in places like Shanghai, with its large LED screens touting the latest fashions and movies. It was like New York’s Times Square on steroids.

The Power of… PRACTICE


PRACTICE. What is your daily practice? Are you practicing peace or anxiety? Are you practicing how to succeed or simply survive? Are you putting into practice what you already know?

The Power of… KINDNESS

Acts of Kindness

KINDNESS. Is your outlook one of compassion or indifference? How often do you perform intentional acts of kindness? Are you a considerate person? Do you show love every day to those who love you? With the calamities of recent times, we have witnessed ordinary people perform extraordinary acts of heroism.

Natural Applesauce


PWR FOODS: As they say, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples are a rich source of antioxidants and dietary fiber. Something I absolutely love to make is natural applesauce. Here is a very simple recipe…

The Power of… GRATITUDE

Just Say Thank You

GRATITUDE. Do you actively appreciate what you have? Do you focus on misfortunes or blessings? What do you hold on to when times are tough? The constant flow of negative media headlines makes me pause and reflect. I end up feeling a sense of profound gratitude. It prompts me to look at my own life and count my blessings.

The Power of… ACTION

Taking Action

ACTION. What do you need to accomplish today? Is something holding you back from living fully? What step can you take right now to bring you closer to your life vision? Many of us live in our heads. We create stories of what we will do and re-live the emotions of what we’ve done – for good or bad. This prevents us from being fully Present in the moment.


Dr. James Scott Kennedy

AUTHENTICITY. Are you living truthfully? Is your essential Self shining through every day or trying desperately to break through from an inner cage? Many of us hide our light–by trying to be someone else. We don’t speak up. We go along with the crowd. It takes years of coaching and therapy to peel away the…

The Power of… ONE

Dr. Lillian Kennedy Beam in Kenya

ONE. Can one person change the world? What will be your legacy? Whenever anyone says, “What can I do? I’m only one person,” I remind them of Gandhi’s insistence that personal change and the ability to bring about social change are linked. It starts at home with you. That is the essence of his often repeated quote: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” For him, it wasn’t a trite statement; it was a responsibility of the living. The PWR – Purpose With Results philosophy is based on discovering your own Life Purpose and then inspiring others through it.

The Power of…THE X FACTOR


THE X FACTOR. What sets you apart from others? What do you add to the world that is outstanding or just different? Does your business have a unique competitive advantage? What is your X Factor? Think about this scenario: two entrepreneurs have similar backgrounds, pretty much identical business proposals, and exposure to the same professional network and one of them secures funding and becomes a success while the other struggles. One seems to attract “luck” while the other doesn’t.