Tag Archive for answer

Listen Intently


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Listen Intently – As Dr. Seuss said: “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”

A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
- Bruce Lee

Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer.
- Muhammad Ali

The Power of… QUESTIONS

Children Asking Questions

QUESTIONS. How curious are you? Do you take things at face value? Do you ever avoid asking questions because you think you’ll sound naive? Are you willing to ask the tough and unpopular questions? If you’ve spent time around a young child then at some point you’ve probably experienced a seemingly endless stream of questions, such as “Why is the sky blue?”, “Why does a dog have a tail?”, “What makes the grass grow?”, “Where do babies come from?”

Work Smart

New Home

Q&A: I have a small financial advisory firm based in New York City and I just bought a house in Philadelphia to lower my cost structure. I have decided to keep my New York office… commute in three days a week and work from my new home two days. How can I manage my schedule so I still grow the business, have a social life (I am single) and not burn out!