I always encourage my clients to seek joy every day. It is a key Power Living practice. In The Power of… JOY, I shared my “Little Treasures.” It was a list I made when I was in the hospital battling Crohn’s. I kept it in my journal, and referred to it when I needed a smile or a taste of hope. When you’re stripped down to your core, the little things begin to matter in a really big way. Staring at those dreary walls, unable to eat or sleep, I reviewed what I held dear:
My mother’s voice.
The thought of my father.
A Scrabble game with Daniel (my nephew).
A chat with an old friend.
A walk in the park.
The taste of fresh fruit.
The warmth of a hug.
Sunlight on my skin.
The smell of ocean air.
The smell of the rain.
A kiss on the forehead.
A long, hot bath.
The wag of a dog’s tail.
A full, deep belly laugh.
A family dinner.
A picnic for two.
Holding hands.
A movie date.
Written by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA. Part of the Power Living® Empowerment Series.
ADD YOUR VOICE: Share your stories about what brings you joy by posting a comment below.