Dying Young

THE BUZZ… I just saw the news that actor and comedian Bernie Mac died this morning at age 50 of complications due to pneumonia. He suffered from sarcoidosis, an inflammatory lung disease that produces tiny lumps of cells in the body’s organs. The condition, however, went into remission in 2005 and his publicist said that the pneumonia was not related to the disease.

With the life expectancy increasing overall, why are we losing so many people – particularly African American – at relatively young ages? With the rising rates of obesity and lifestyle-influenced diseases such as heart disease and cancer, we are experiencing a health crisis in the United States – particularly within the urban community.

On Thursday, I attended the NYC Economic Development Conference at Columbia University. The theme was “The Economic Impact of our Health Crisis.” Former Comptroller of New York State H. Carl McCall underscored the fact that “every part of our healthcare system needs reform.” The Honorable Congressman Charles B. Rangel emphasized that inadequate “education and health are threats to our national security – we must have an educated and healthy workforce.”

Are we willing to make it happen? Now is the time for us to take control of our lives by taking control of our daily habits – spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally and environmentally. The power is in our hands to change the course of our own personal histories and positively affect the evolution of our nation. At the same time, we must use our voting power to ensure that we have a leader who is focused on this nation’s citizens. If not now, when? Receive more inspiration in “The Power of… ACTION.”

With Purpose & Power,

