Tag Archive for writer

The Power of… QUESTIONS

Children Asking Questions

QUESTIONS. How curious are you? Do you take things at face value? Do you ever avoid asking questions because you think you’ll sound naive? Are you willing to ask the tough and unpopular questions? If you’ve spent time around a young child then at some point you’ve probably experienced a seemingly endless stream of questions, such as “Why is the sky blue?”, “Why does a dog have a tail?”, “What makes the grass grow?”, “Where do babies come from?”

The Power of… NO!

Transform your Life

NO. Have you ever agreed to do something you really didn’t want or have time to do? Have you ever said “No” to something that seemed like an opportunity to other people, but just didn’t “feel” right for you? How do you respond when you are told “No”? There’s a funny thing about this simple two-letter word. It is a word we’ve all used and we’ve all heard before. When it’s said to you, you may not like it very much; when you say it, it can be quite liberating. Sometimes the word is open for interpretation; other times, it is absolute. For example, when making a sales call, “No” may very well mean, “Not right now.” However, when asking for a romantic date, “No” most likely means “NO!”


Open Sky

CONSCIOUSNESS. What is your mental atmosphere? Are your internal dreams reflected in your external reality? Do you wonder why some people always seem to attract good and others are a magnet for misfortune? The difference is probably their mental atmosphere. If your mind is consistently focused on abundance then you’re going to see the opportunities around you.


Attention to Detail

SPECIFICITY. Are you aware of the content of your thoughts? Are you speaking abundance or lack? Do your actions reflect deliberate choices or unconscious rote behavior? My sister and I both…

The Power of… LETTING GO

Letting Go

LETTING GO. Do you get upset when things don’t turn out the way you expected? Is your mind cluttered with regrets and resentments? What are you holding on to that is holding you back? When you live in the Present, and let go of what you think should be, you invite in a greater sense of inner peace and divine inspiration…



IMAGINATION. How much do you dream? Can you envision your possibilities? Are you using your imagination to empower your life? When I was five years old, I ran the “Gal’s Club.” It was an exercise club that consisted of three members: Mom, my sister and me. It was exclusive to girls, so I didn’t invite my brother and Dad (“gal” was my version of “girl” which came from my initial schooling in Australia). I even created membership cards and established rules – maybe that’s why one of my kindergarten classmates gave me the nickname “boss lady”. I was set on making sure we were healthy and fit, and I enjoyed being in charge.

The Power of… KINDNESS

Acts of Kindness

KINDNESS. Is your outlook one of compassion or indifference? How often do you perform intentional acts of kindness? Are you a considerate person? Do you show love every day to those who love you? With the calamities of recent times, we have witnessed ordinary people perform extraordinary acts of heroism.

The Power of… ACTION

Taking Action

ACTION. What do you need to accomplish today? Is something holding you back from living fully? What step can you take right now to bring you closer to your life vision? Many of us live in our heads. We create stories of what we will do and re-live the emotions of what we’ve done – for good or bad. This prevents us from being fully Present in the moment.


Dr. James Scott Kennedy

AUTHENTICITY. Are you living truthfully? Is your essential Self shining through every day or trying desperately to break through from an inner cage? Many of us hide our light–by trying to be someone else. We don’t speak up. We go along with the crowd. It takes years of coaching and therapy to peel away the…

The Power of… ONE

Dr. Lillian Kennedy Beam in Kenya

ONE. Can one person change the world? What will be your legacy? Whenever anyone says, “What can I do? I’m only one person,” I remind them of Gandhi’s insistence that personal change and the ability to bring about social change are linked. It starts at home with you. That is the essence of his often repeated quote: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” For him, it wasn’t a trite statement; it was a responsibility of the living. The PWR – Purpose With Results philosophy is based on discovering your own Life Purpose and then inspiring others through it.