Q&A: My blood pressure is high and, because I have a family history of heart disease, my doctor said I may have to go on medication. He recommended getting my stress levels under control, as well as losing about 10 pounds. I frankly don’t know where to start. I’ve never been successful with diets and I have a lot of pressures on my new job. Can you share a basic game plan? I’m only 41 and I really don’t want to go on meditation!
Tag Archive for stress
Stress to Success
PWR TIP: Do you often feel irritable? Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you easily forgetting things? Are you becoming unfocused at work? Have you lost your appetite, or can’t stop eating? Do you sometimes feel like you are about to implode? If your answer is “Yes” to any of these questions, it may be…
Natural Beauty
The Power of… MEDITATION
MEDITATION. Are you familiar with peace? Are your responses to challenging situations controlled or reactive? Could you benefit from greater focus, concentration and awareness? When people find out that I teach meditation as a part of the yoga sessions, it elicits a variety of responses. Some have questions, such as: “How long do I need to meditate?” “Would it conflict with my religion?” Others submit their own perceived limitations: “I can’t stay still.” “My mind is always full.” “I don’t have the time.” “I tried it but nothing happened.”
The Power of… HOPE
HOPE. What is the role of hope in your life? If your world seems to be disintegrating right before your eyes, how do you pick yourself up? I’ve been answering more calls lately from people who are trying to make sense of our rapidly changing world. They are searching for refuge from the storm – something to hold on to. Some, who have never been unemployed in their adult lives, have lost their livelihoods.