Favor comes because for a brief moment in the great space of human change and progress some general human purpose finds in him a satisfactory embodiment.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Tag Archive for space
But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
- Khalil Gibran
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The Power of… ZERO
ZERO. Is the presence of nothing different from the absence of something? Does the term “ground zero” mean the beginning or the end? Are you comfortable with empty space? Zero is both a number and a concept. Many historians state that the introduction of zero was the most significant achievement in the development of our counting system because it made calculation with large numbers feasible. The inclusion of zero introduced negative numbers and opened up a new world of mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and business.
Work Smart
Q&A: I have a small financial advisory firm based in New York City and I just bought a house in Philadelphia to lower my cost structure. I have decided to keep my New York office… commute in three days a week and work from my new home two days. How can I manage my schedule so I still grow the business, have a social life (I am single) and not burn out!