Tag Archive for positive

The Power of… HOPE

The Hope of Spring

HOPE. What is the role of hope in your life? If your world seems to be disintegrating right before your eyes, how do you pick yourself up? I’ve been answering more calls lately from people who are trying to make sense of our rapidly changing world. They are searching for refuge from the storm – something to hold on to. Some, who have never been unemployed in their adult lives, have lost their livelihoods.

The Power of… BOLDNESS

Try Something New

BOLDNESS. Are you hiding out waiting for life to happen? Do you let fear or doubt hold you back? What bold moves will you make this year to live authenticity? My Mom’s cousin, Juanita Jeanette Lindsey, died in Harlem at the age of 71. On the surface, Jeanette appeared to live an ordinary life, yet her everyday boldness made her extraordinary.

The Power of…

Passion for Writing

Welcome to “The Power of…” column – part of the Power Living® Empowerment Series. Since it’s inception in April 2003, Dr. Terri Kennedy has written over 70 editions.