For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Tag Archive for flying
Flying High
Even Pigeons Can Dream
IMPRESSIONS: I took this picture while walking down the street in Manhattan – a pigeon sitting on top of the head of an eagle. Eagles are often used as examples of strength. They have large powerful builds and keen vision. They are able to fly higher than any other bird, and even soar without actually flapping their wings. Eagles are bold and tenacious flying into storms using the wind to lift them to greater heights. Eagles never eat dead meat. They hunt for and kill their own food. They tend to fly alone and live on higher ground. They are majestic, with an air of royalty. Pigeons, on the other hand, are often called “flying rats”…