POWER LIVING® TV: Join the conversation with Masood Ali Khan & Sheela Bringi on “Music & the Spirit.”
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Rev. Jaganath Carrera on “Yoga & Spirituality”
POWER LIVING® TV: Join the conversation with Reverend Jaganath Carrera on “Yoga & Spirituality.” Rev. Carrera is founder and spiritual head of the Yoga Life Society and author of Inside the Yoga Sutras and Awaken: Inside Yoga Meditation. As a direct disciple of Sri Swami Satchidananda Maharaj, he established the Integral Yoga Ministry, codeveloped the Integral Yoga Meditation and Raja Yoga Teacher Training Certification programs, and has taught all facets of yoga for more than 30 years.
Elena Brower on “The Art of Attention”
POWER LIVING TV: In Power Living® with Dr. Terri Kennedy, join the Conversation with Elena Brower on “The Art of Attention.” Elena is founder and co-owner of Virayoga. She offers a realistic and reverent approach to the world through her teaching and writing. She has offered large-scale experiences of yoga, but her true service is in shifting awareness within the smallest interactions—one family, one household at a time.
Cyndi Lee on “Integrating your Self”
Old Stone Farm
Rodney Yee & Colleen Saidman Yee on “Being Yoga”
POWER LIVING TV: In Power Living® with Dr. Terri Kennedy, join the Conversation with Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee on “Being Yoga”. Rodney and Colleen are two of the most recognizable names in yoga. Rodney cofounded Piedmont Yoga Studio in Oakland, California and Colleen is owner of Yoga Shanti in Sag Harbor, New York. Both have appeared in dozens of DVDs.
Peter Sterios on “Going Within”
7 Ways to Transform your Life… from 7 Expert Yogis
Beryl Bender Birch on “Being Present”
Omega’s 2012 Being Yoga Conference Retreat
POWER LIVING TV: In Power Living® with Dr. Terri Kennedy, explore the concept of “being yoga” from Omega’s 2012 Being Yoga Conference Retreat. Dr. Kennedy talks with some of the top names in yoga including Rodney Yee, Colleen Saidman Yee, Beryl Bender Birch, Peter Sterios, Cyndi Lee, Reverend Jaganath Carrera and Elena Brower.