Tag Archive for conviction

We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless.
- Chester W. Nimitz

The Power of… NO!

Transform your Life

NO. Have you ever agreed to do something you really didn’t want or have time to do? Have you ever said “No” to something that seemed like an opportunity to other people, but just didn’t “feel” right for you? How do you respond when you are told “No”? There’s a funny thing about this simple two-letter word. It is a word we’ve all used and we’ve all heard before. When it’s said to you, you may not like it very much; when you say it, it can be quite liberating. Sometimes the word is open for interpretation; other times, it is absolute. For example, when making a sales call, “No” may very well mean, “Not right now.” However, when asking for a romantic date, “No” most likely means “NO!”

The Power of… CHOICE


CHOICE. How are you choosing to live? Do you realize all of the choices you make every week, every day, every second? Do you ever truly think about the consequences? When I was four years old my mom gave me The Little Me and THE GREAT ME, by Lou Austin which laid the groundwork for my spiritual development. With a bright yellow cover and joyful illustrations, this simple book explains that there are two wills in every person: one – the will of the human self (the Little Me), the other – the will of the divine self (THE GREAT ME). Between these two forces there is a continuous running battle.

The Power of… CONVICTION


CONVICTION. Do you stand up for what you believe in? Do you even know what you believe in? In this column, I would like to honor Jesse Hill, Jr., who died on December 17, 2012 at the age of 86. My mentor, who was like a second dad, he is an incredible example of a true PWR Broker.

The Power of…

Passion for Writing

Welcome to “The Power of…” column – part of the Power Living® Empowerment Series. Since it’s inception in April 2003, Dr. Terri Kennedy has written over 70 editions.