Tag Archive for consequences

Choose Who To Be


A DOSE OF POWER LIVING®: Choose Your Character – As Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.”

The Power of… LETTING GO

Letting Go

LETTING GO. Do you get upset when things don’t turn out the way you expected? Is your mind cluttered with regrets and resentments? What are you holding on to that is holding you back? When you live in the Present, and let go of what you think should be, you invite in a greater sense of inner peace and divine inspiration…

The Power of… FREEDOM

Freedom to Fly

FREEDOM. How free are you? Is your freedom dependent on someone else? What are your divine rights? When I was in China in 2006 I was struck by the display of prosperity in places like Shanghai, with its large LED screens touting the latest fashions and movies. It was like New York’s Times Square on steroids.

The Power of… GIVING

Never Too Young for Giving

GIVING. How generous are you? Do you give freely or are there usually strings attached? At a time when your bank account may be lower than last year and the stresses may be higher, it is even more important to understand the power of giving.

The Power of… CHOICE


CHOICE. How are you choosing to live? Do you realize all of the choices you make every week, every day, every second? Do you ever truly think about the consequences? When I was four years old my mom gave me The Little Me and THE GREAT ME, by Lou Austin which laid the groundwork for my spiritual development. With a bright yellow cover and joyful illustrations, this simple book explains that there are two wills in every person: one – the will of the human self (the Little Me), the other – the will of the divine self (THE GREAT ME). Between these two forces there is a continuous running battle.