POWER LIVING® TIP: How would you like to get more done in less time? Synch your work with your body’s circadian rhythms. There are peak times for various tasks.
Power Living Tips
Tips for health, for work, for life.
Add Papaya to your Meal
Become Stroke Aware
Brain Power
PWR TIP: The brain, with its astounding computational power, is the main server of our system. Are you doing things to decrease its operating potential or boost its functioning ability? There are many reasons why we forget things. The good news is there are ways to optimize the brain’s functioning power and lengthen your mentally active years.
Food as Medicine
Love Yourself
Out of Work
Little Treasures
Focus & Flow
PWR TIP: Work is not laborious if you’re in the flow. It goes back to self-awareness and self-control. Here are some ways to maintain clarity and boost productivity: Stay in synch. Understand your body’s circadian rhythm so you can schedule prime mental work time during peak “think” time. For many people, this is 6am –…