GIVE BACK: One way to improve the state of the world is to mentor a young person. A number of studies have revealed a correlation between a young person’s involvement in a quality mentoring relationship and positive outcomes in the areas of school, mental health, problem behavior and health.
Feature articles and interviews.
The Power of… NO!
NO. Have you ever agreed to do something you really didn’t want or have time to do? Have you ever said “No” to something that seemed like an opportunity to other people, but just didn’t “feel” right for you? How do you respond when you are told “No”? There’s a funny thing about this simple two-letter word. It is a word we’ve all used and we’ve all heard before. When it’s said to you, you may not like it very much; when you say it, it can be quite liberating. Sometimes the word is open for interpretation; other times, it is absolute. For example, when making a sales call, “No” may very well mean, “Not right now.” However, when asking for a romantic date, “No” most likely means “NO!”
The Power of… PRACTICE
Corporate Social Responsibility
GIVE BACK: One way to get involved in improving the state of the world is to volunteer. There are so many opportunities to lend a hand and in the process learn. My own work with the American Heart Association has added immensely to my self-development. I’ve certainly received more than I’ve given. The key is to lead with your personal interests and passion. I started volunteering for AHA because I had so many family members affected by heart disease and stroke. If there is an issue you’re concerned about, focus on that.
Stress to Success
PWR TIP: Do you often feel irritable? Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you easily forgetting things? Are you becoming unfocused at work? Have you lost your appetite, or can’t stop eating? Do you sometimes feel like you are about to implode? If your answer is “Yes” to any of these questions, it may be…
The Power of… EXPERIENCE
EXPERIENCE. What have your experiences taught you? How much time do you spend thinking about what you want to do with your life versus actually doing it? When was the last time you shared your personal knowledge with others? Experience is life’s great teacher. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “People grow through experience…
The Power of… DILIGENCE
DILIGENCE. Do you always do your best? Do you remain focused on your goals? How often have you given up when things seemed difficult? In 2007, I finished my doctorate in World Religions and became Dr. Kennedy, or “Dr. Terri K.” as my friends are calling me. As a busy entrepreneur, I had to be focused to get the work done in-between leading corporate workshops, speaking at events, coaching private clients, teaching yoga classes, and writing this column and other articles. It wasn’t easy and often required me to sacrifice “play-time” such as catching the latest movie, for “cerebral time” which usually included taking an exam or researching for another paper. Since it was a goal I wanted to achieve, I worked steadily on it over the last few years.