Go Down The Chute

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As comedian Tina Fey said in her book Bossypants: “You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.”

What are you holding back on? A fully expressed life is about taking chances and embracing change. Fear, doubt and indecision can be roadblocks to achieving your goals and realizing your dreams. It’s easy to get stuck mulling over options or going down the rabbit hole of analysis paralysis. Either way, you end up in the same place–the land of procrastination and frustration. Go down the chute. Face mental opposition head on. Remind yourself that FEAR is simply False Evidence Appearing Real. Choose to see the potential ahead. Get out of your comfort zone and play a little. You may get dirty and bruised but you’re likely to make new friends, evolve through different experiences and have some fun along the way.

Until next time, remember–it’s your divine life, live it to the fullest. The power is in your hands!

With Purpose & Power,


Written and designed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy. Read more Dose of Power Living. For information on syndication email info@power-living.com.

Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

To practice stillness, check out the Power Living: Mini-Escapes CD. It makes a wonderful gift of relaxation! Be sure to order my latest book, Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master, on 97-year-old yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch. Learn more by watching Tao Porchon-Lynch Amazing Autobiography: Dancing Light and Amazing 97-year-old Yoga Master Tao Porchon-Lynch – Inspiration, Life & “Dancing Light.”
