Listen to this week’s message:
As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Do you know what you’re made of? The first 28 years of my life were pretty good. I had a straight shot to success – was the youngest on staff at Harvard Business School and then in the MBA program. I founded VH1 Interactive and became one of the youngest Vice Presidents at MTV Networks. I thought I knew who I was but the real test came when I almost died in 1997. I could have easily given up, but I fought back and rebuilt almost every area of my life. That’s when I found out who I really was at my core. Take time to know your stuff. In other words, look back on your life and consider how you’ve approached difficulties. Did you run or tackle? Next time you encounter an obstacle, show who you are by facing it head on. Allow challenges to hone your character. Know that if all seems to be lost, you still have the ability to survive and even thrive – to overcome anything from where you stand right at this very moment. Don’t give up… you’re made of strong stuff!
Until next time, remember – it’s your divine life, live it to the fullest. The power is in your hands!
With Purpose & Power,
View Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote Card Gallery.
Written and designed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy. Read more Dose of Power Living. For information on syndication email
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96-year-old Yoga Master Tao Porchon-Lynch embodies the principles and essence of Power Living – that we each can live to our Highest Potential and dance to our own rhythm. Be inspired by Tao’s life and philosophy in her long-awaited inspirational memoir, Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master. Find out more at