BOOK: The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino
The Greatest Salesman in the World is by one of my absolute favorite authors, Og Mandino. It is such a quick read, and yet it is packed with inspiration. The copy I still have was my dad’s and then my brother’s; I confiscated it out of the family library and have had it ever since!
The power of this little book is in Og Mandino’s beautiful storytelling abilities. Set in the time just prior to Christianity, it is a parable about Hafid, an impoverished camel boy who achieves a life of abundance with the aid of 10 mystical scrolls. In a very lyrical format, the scrolls offer practical affirmations and advice about believing in your Self. I highly recommend it as a profoundly simple guide to creating success in your life. This book actually has been read by some of the greatest salespeople in the world!
Contributed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA.
BUY FOR KINDLE: The Greatest Salesman in the World
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