It’s Your Job

Sunday * January 6, 2008
MAIN MUSINGS: You can hire others to work for you, but no one can live for you. That’s your job. How are you doing with it? If you were to do a performance evaluation, how would it turn out? What would be the areas of improvement? Would you fire yourself or give yourself a promotion?

In order to create a successful life, you have to be committed to doing so. It’s in your hands – no one else’s. This can be scary because many people like to have a “fall-guy” – someone to blame if things don’t turn out quite right. Guess what? You’re your own fall-guy or hero!

The Divine Plan is one of Freedom; bondage is not God-ordained. Here’s the rub… We are bound because we are first free; the power which appears to bind us is the same power which can free us. On a very basic level, it comes down to the powers of thought, belief and choice.

Today, take a moment to think about how you’re living. Then, take a moment and think about how you want to live. This exercise is at the heart of the Power Living® transformation process and the Three Core Questions: Who Am I? Where Am I? What Must I Do To Be Me? It’s all about closing the gap between where you are now and who you are meant to be. The work is in the space in the middle.

Nothing is going to happen to you that does not happen through you. Every second, there is a choice. As Ernest Holmes said:

The time is now, the place is where we are, and it is done unto us as we believe.

With Purpose & Power,

