Reflect & Review

Wednesday * January 2, 2008
MAIN MUSINGS: Are you ready for this day? What was the very first thing you did when you woke up this morning? The way you start the day makes all the difference in the world. One key Power Living® habit is to Reflect & Review – take at least 5 minutes in the morning to reflect on the day and set your intention, and then at least 5 minutes in the evening to review. This process moves you along the path of self-awareness – one of the cornerstones of Power Living®, so you then can have self-control. It promotes personal accountability since, as we know from science and spiritual discourse, we create our own realities. Read more about this in our latest column, “The Power of… the Universe.”

So, I ask again: What was the first thing you did when you woke up this morning? Did you hit the snooze button a few times? Did you pop out of bed and hit the ground running? The very first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is say “Thank you.” It’s automatic now. After almost dying 10 years ago, I now keep with me an extreme sense of gratitude for life itself. So, I think a moment to give thanks is not too much! I then go right to my affirmations – again, it’s pretty much an automatic process at this point, a habit.

My personal affirmations are very specific to the realities I am creating. However, I often start off with a broader statement. Here’s part of one I meditated on this morning from Ernest Holmes (my own morning reading is very long!):

“Today the possibilities of my experience are unlimited.
The Spirit flows through me, inspiring me
and sustaining that inspiration.
I have ability and talent and I am busy using them.
This talent is divinely sustained and
marketed under a Universal plan of right action.
Life lies open to me – rich, full, abundant.
My thought, which is my key to life,
opens all doors for me. I am one with Infinity, Divinity.
I realize this unity. I proceed on my way as one who knows
that God goes with her into an eternal day of infinite privilege.
I have only to open the portals of my soul and
accept that which is ready to express through me.
Today I fling these portals wide;
today I am the instrument through which life flows.”
– Ernest Holmes

Right now, decide to have a great day. It’s in your hands - actually, it’s in your thought! You have the power to set your intention and live your convictions. Use that power! 

With Purpose & Power,

