Tuesday * January 1, 2008
MAIN MUSINGS: I did it! Students/clients have been asking me to start a blog – so here you go… It’s nice to begin 2008 with something new. I’m a virgin blogger so please bear with me as I figure out how to work this format. It took me days to remember how to FTP files. When I founded VH1 Interactive about 13 years ago I was really ahead of the curve – now I guess I need to catch up with Web 2.0!
People always ask: “How do you (personally) live the principles of Power Living®? You seem just as busy as you were in your hard-driving corporate days – how do you maintain your own balance?” Good question! It’s not easy – particularly when you have a big dream to realize! That’s why I’ve often been called the “Type-A Yogi.”
The intention for Power Living® Today is to give you a glimpse into the living practice of Power Living®. It’s a supplement to the main www.power-living.com website. Some days I’ll simply offer inspiration, other days information - tricks to maintaining clarity and energy in the midst of this often chaotic world. Today, I’m just happy to have figured out how to post comments!
Right now, I’ll leave you with a toast (with sparkling apple cider, of course!):
“This day marks a new year… may you be newly awakened to it.
May your eyes be open to the wonders around you.
May your ears hear your inner guru.
May your mind see unlimited possibilities
and create new realities.
May your heart be ready to love all,
especially your Self.
Today go forth in confidence,
knowing that all your needs are met,
all your dreams are manifest…
if you just believe.”
– Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy
With Purpose & Power,